This should also be a very interesting game to say the least! 60 players may enter and 10 teams will be chosen randomly from those 60 names! Here’s more information that Jackal has posted:“Ok I know most of you are still enthralled with the USO, However there’s still open spots for the Lethal Lottery over on Silver Wings. First 60 spots get in. Here’s your chance to corp with people of varying skill levels. No one will know who they are corped with until start of the game. At present expected settings ( not written in stone so may change) CFS, Havoc, IC, Colt and ISS will be slightly modded. 2 Planets will be slightly modded. Turns will be somewhere between 850-1200.
Settings that are definate are 60 day game. MBBS mode. 7 death limit.There will be a 5-6 hour time limit for the game. In the event that there is no clear cut winner, most L6’s will break any ties, if still tied from there most figs. will determine the winners.
This tournament is to provide more competition for other games and tournaments, since you won’t know who your corpmates will be until the game opens it is set up to promote teams that have players of varying skills to learn from each other and hopefully get better players for better competition in the future. At present we have 25 players signed up. 35 more spots need to be filled. You can sign up for the game in the TW anon forum on the Silver Wings site, or you can ICQ/Email me or Soul to get entered.”
They still need players to sign up! There are some big names that are planning to play this game. This is your chance to team-up with someone that you’ve always looked up to!
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