BOTE NEWS- August 16
[7:20pm CT]-Game is early yet. Only less than 90 minutes of action. Cherokee won the Tri-con 4 times. Loki had the first pod and kill and Medusa was his victim on both counts. [9:15pm ct]-Angus Thermopyle was first to go red, at least according to fed posting of bounties in logs. He also was first to p-bust for exp and hit furbs in cashing. Currently as of this post, 3 players are red – Angus, Cherokee, and Rammar. Tweety appears to have been first blue in ISS according to CLV as he is only one in ISS as of this post.
BOTE NEWS- August 17
[8:30pm CT]-Intrepid podded Artaxs’s MC this afternoon. Otherwise all is quiet on ship to ship fights.
[Before Extern]-Zep found Artaxs’ pod and killed him. Blue Adept podded Jughead for eating one hamburger too many :).
BOTE NEWS- August 18
[9:15pm CDT]-Intrepid captured Banano’s Battleship and got his pod. Banano has 3 deaths now after just 3 days of action. Blue Adept podded and killed Crystal Knight after a photon.
[Before Extern]- Bone Collector was p-torped by Blue Adept and CBY’ed to save a death sometime today.
BOTE NEWS- August 19
Then this evening, Banano was busting planets and got podded in the ensuing nav haz, putting him at elimination risk. He now becomes at risk for the Space Ghost Award – first to be eliminated from a death limit game :). All it takes for Banano’s elimination is for him to be podded then #SD# and he’s done for the game. Very unlike Banano to die this much in less than a week of action.
Tweety fired a p-torp and Dartanian CBY’ed right after that.
[Before Extern]-Someone began construction of a Starport named Starport 1506. Is someone trying to pull a “Prestone” here? Intrepid podded Jughead’s Battleship and got the pod. Then in the kill of the day, SupG photoned Blue Adept and Tweety went in and capped BA’s CFS and got the pod. Sir Lancelot destroyed Diamond’s scout but took radiation damage in the process.
Props to Lost Traders Tavern for getting the kill of the day in Blue Adept’s demise. Capfile posted here
BOTE NEWS- August 20
[Before Extern]- Blue Adept podded Bone Collector and Angus got the pod by blowing up a planet Bone was trying to hide on.
BOTE NEWS- August 21
BOTE NEWS- August 22
[Before Extern]- Typhoon laid the smackdown on Tweety by blowing a planet named “Tweety Gives Good Pod”. No response from Tweety. But Didaskalos podded and killed Typhoon later on. Now THAT’s a response. I’m sure Tweety gave Didaskalos a high five there. Loki CBY’ed as he was way blue for his corp and did not want his reds busted down at Tern. I’m sure Loki figured he would get that death back as he is a damn good killer.
Game has been running nearly a week now. Corp 7 (Vid Kid’s world) first corp to probably be out of game. They never had a chance from the start. Game appears to be still wide open between the remaining 6 corps though Alphamoon should be the next corp to go as they took a lot of hits recently, most recently Jughead’s podding and Diamond’s death. But Triple H , Merdock, Outkast and FEAR ME are trying their best to keep their team into the game. Stay tuned.
Week 2
BOTE NEWS- August 23
[4pm CDT]- FEAR ME podded Bone Collector’s Havoc, but in a terrific show of back-up, Loki podded FEAR ME’s ISS right after that and FEAR ME CBY’ed to avoid Loki getting a death restore. Then Intrepid blew Stardock after a lengthy battle with port authorities. It was said that Coastgames bought 40 ships before their terrorist attack on Stardock. Then Prestone podded Cherokee’s T’KO and his CFS was destroyed in the ensuing corbo reaction. Cherokee quickly hopped into another ship, found Prestone playing hide-and-seek in a port and blew up the port. Because it was not ship to ship, CK did not get a death back for #SD#’ing Prestone.
[9:45pm CDT]-Doctor Who podded Reaper’s Havoc and Tweety got the pod. Typhoon and SupG returned from deaths and p-busted their experience back – and did not die 🙂 Didaskalos podded Hollywood’s BS and Tweety mopped up with the destruction of Holly’s pod.
With the destruction of Stardock and radiation set at the default at 14 days, it should be interesting to see what happens over the next week (SD will be rebuilt on the 30th). Will Coastgames suceed in their strategy of blowing SD or will it backfire on them and have it actually work in other corps’ favor? Stay Tuned.
[Before Extern]- Outkast blew a port in sector 2257. Doctor Who captured Angus’ Havoc and Tweety got the pod. Outkast CBY’ed, probably to lose alignment.
BOTE NEWS- August 24
Normally I would try and be objective here, but personally I want to state I think corp 7 (Vid Kid’s World) should stay dead since they can’t win anyways. By trying to come in the game and then dying, all they are doing is restoring someone’s death back, as was the case with Tweety and Severian.
[2:20am CDT]-The Bounty Hunter’s Battleship was destroyed by Nav Haz. Nav Haz??? In a Battleship???? OK. Next.
[4:10pm CDT]- Blue Adept swiped 4 furbs from Medusa.
[9pm CDT]-Doctor Who tried potshots at someone in fedspace about a dozen times. Space Ghost finally enters the BOTE after a week off for unexplained reasons. Welcome Back, SG!
[Before Extern]- Blue Adept blew up Typhoon on a planet and got his pod, restoring a death for BA. Blue Adept swiped yet another 5 furbs from Medusa, which is very important for SE’s reds with a blown SD. Didskalos podded Merdock and Cherokee got the pod, putting him back at 0 deaths in the death restore. Prestone CBY’ed. Looks like another alignment management thing.
BOTE NEWS- August 25
[6:50pm CDT]-Intrepid shot Tweety, capped his ISS and killed the pod.
[Before Extern]-Blue Adept destroyed a TLTT CFS then podded Cherokee and got the pod. Didaskalos fused and his pod ran smack into nav haz. Put on that seat belt next time, Diddy boy 🙂 Loki swiped a TLTT ISS. Typhoon was p-busting and was podded twice by nav haz.
BOTE NEWS- August 26
[Before Extern]- Doctor Who shot Prestone and Tweety followed up with a capture of Prestone’s ISS and #SD# of his pod, getting a death restored. Phoe6e invaded a planet and then destroyed it. Blue Adept swiped a colt from Alien Base.
BOTE NEWS- August 27
[Loki Update – From Didaskalos]-Actually, we found c6’s base and loki was trying to defend against an incursion. DW put down personal figs and Loki plowed right through them, going red, and later getting podded for moving, in his words, 3-4 sectors. Hehe. We then proceeded to photon cbs who was on the planet.
[6:15pm CDT]- Didaskalos shot Hollywood and Hollywood CBY’ed. But this time Holly didnt CBY to do a “Res” :). He CBY’ed to save a death.
[7:55pm CDT]- Alexio podded and killed Doctor Who and then swiped a Havoc from TLTT corp. Intrepid blew up a starport in sector 113.
[Loki’s Version of him going red and being podded by Cap Z]-haha I was defending but doc who never laid personals. I shot him with 20K figs and went red and after doing so he twarped out. I tried to test my luck seeing as how zyrain sometimes is nice to folks and twarped out of sector leaving me a shiny pod. CBS was never torped. I was on the planet when they torped. I twarped to planet sector and sat in cit until a red arrived to align swing me. Just a lil clarification for the record. My jedi mind tricks can be a Bitch poor who and diddy never listen to the enemy on a port pfffft.
[Before Extern]-Bone Collector used an improperly configured autoreply macro at the wrong moment, resulting in an inadvertant CBY. So, along with your tire pressure, check those macros folks– it could happen to you! Alexio CBY’ed for alignment.
BOTE NEWS- August 28
So I fired a wave, pinged his IDC to the next sector, jumped there, capped the ship while podding him. (got about $600K, only took maybe 16K figs to cap his IDC)
A few other hunters looked around but I had a hunch and twarped to Sector 10 and SG’s pod was there.
I then waited and tried to get Typh00n (a corpie needing restores) into the game but after a few minutes of waiting, Blue Adept warped into the sector and I blew the pod before BA could get it.
[8pm CDT]- Loki swiped a battleship from Coastgames. Then in another kill to make the highlight reels, Blue Adept blew up a port Prestone was in. Prestone’s pod hit a TLTT fig or two and Cherokee swooped in and got the pod, getting a death restored. I guess it was NO PROBLEM for Cherokee to do the kill 🙂 And BTW, according to Kemper’s death page, Prestone is eliminated
[Before Extern]-After Interpid fired a photon and proceeded to destroy a colt and MC owned by TLTT, Tweety capped Intrepid’s manned ISS. But then Rammar podded and killed Tweety just seconds later and Trep capped the unmanned ISS back from Tweety. Then Doc Who capped an unmanned ISS from Trep. Nudo was gridding and ran into a series of offensive figs owned by TLTT. He also ran into some ferrengi fighters of whom I thought were removed from the game. Perhaps Macahan removed the planet, but probably forgot to remove the figs as well. Reaper and Hoggy also gridded through offensive figs.
BOTE NEWS- August 29
[Evening]- Intrepid podded Hollywood and killed Holly’s pod. There was some controversy surrounding Holly’s death, namely accusations of Intrepid allegedly getting a death restore as a gift from Holly. I received a cap file of the convo from a source and will review the cap file first to make sure there is no confidential information is on it such as sector or subspace numbers then post it sometime Saturday afternoon (the 30th).
[Late Evening]- Typhoon plastered Space Ghost’s scout after SG came back from an #SD# the previous day. When SG has to die like that, I think it is quite obvious Alien Base is no longer in the running in the BOTE. Any non-fedsafe schmo with a decent log in script or macro should be able to come back after an #SD# and live – most of the time anyways. Then Blue Adept invaded a planet and destroyed it.
Week 3
BOTE NEWS- August 30
[10am CDT]- The repo man had a field day today even though extern was on time. Alphamoon lost 3 colts and 2 other ships. Looks like someone blew a ship possesion assignment there. Then Stardock is finally rebuilt after a long week of construction by port authorities, which started a mad dash to SD. Furbs and planets were blown by the bunch today as reds got busy getting exp up then cashing and hitting furbs. With the game’s nav haz removal set to just 2% daily, I would expect nav haz in SDT sectors to fill up quite a bit though players probably will pop a planet every few days to clear it and even then, that wont last long once the sector reaches its planet limit. Later Alexio killed Hollywood’s manned scout but took corbo damage in the process. [11:35pm CDT – HHH Pedigreed]- Blue Adept laid waste to a port Hunter Hearst Helmsley was on and Nudo got the pod.
[Editorial – Using Cargotrans as Furbs]- I’m not sure about the SE corp using cargotrans as furbs. Why? I did some math. It costs $68837 to furb a full colt using a cargo tran but it also costs 12 turns to tow the cargotran. It costs $69667 to furb a full colt using a merchant freighter but towing the MF only uses 8 turns. If I’m correct in my figures, then SE is wasting 4 turns to save about $800???????? Perhaps some light can be shed on this. Maybe there is something I don’t know.
[Before Extern]- Angus blew up a planet Space Ghost was on and got the pod. Blue Adept swiped a colt from TLTT and destroyed an unmanned TLTT pod. Intrepid podded Medusa and Lancelot got the pod. Medusa tried to CBY to avoid giving away a death restore, but SWATH had auto-anti CBY on. Intrepid was also going for the capture on Medusa who appears to have no figs on the ship (I have no idea why) but somehow Trep entered 11 instead of one going for the capture resulting “in a corb dinner”. Later Trep killed Jughead’s scout but took corbo again though no corbo dinner this time. It did give him a restore.
BOTE NEWS- August 31
[Angus Thermopyle’s Account on CK’s Death]-CK was offline on vacation this weekend – when we invaded their old SDT zone he was on citdadel there – they moved him to another base which nudo found this morning – they had switched him to a pod in the citadel – most likely to have him suffer only one death
he was sitting above planets in their last sector — all of c1 was offline – I got ck’s pod and we started capping ships before doc who came on and we fell back. Blue adept has been phtoning them all day for turn denial — but we figure only one c1 has remained behind
BOTE NEWS- September 1
Didasaklos was podded in his colt by Alexio and Bone Collector got the pod and said he wanted a death restore and only 4 to go. However…3 minutes after that, Bone fused right after Loki blew a port Bounty Hunter was on. That’s back to 5 to go now, Bone 🙂 Bone did get TBH’s pod, which again puts Bone back at 4 deaths.
Looks like TLTT will have an uphill battle at this point.
[Before Extern]-SupG picked a fight with a port – in a merf. Obviously he lost. Blue Adept blew another port SupG was on. Alexio CBY’ed just before tern for alignment.
BOTE NEWS- September 2
BOTE NEWS- September 3
BOTE NEWS- September 4
BOTE NEWS- September 5
The Federation hereby posts a reward of 386,385 credits for the destruction of Excelsior’s ship! (-Editor’s note – rumor has it Excelsior banged Admiral Nelson’s wife which resulted in the high bounty :))
BOTE NEWS- September 13
Logs went out. It appears CBS228 died at Blue Adept’s hands. I need info. Also Lancelot either got p-dropped or mothed as he was podded by a Q-gun.
BOTE NEWS- September 14
BOTE NEWS- September 15

BOTE NEWS- September 16
BOTE NEWS- September 17
BOTE NEWS- September 18
BOTE NEWS- September 19
BOTE NEWS- September 20
BOTE NEWS- September 21
Coastgames is done, leaving Star Endeavors and Fugitives from Fate in the game.
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