The “Ghost with the most” will be doing his own radio station Friday nights at midnight and also occasionally on Saturdays and Sundays as well! I listened to him last night and it was a blast. He will be on tonight at midnight EST! Make sure you check him out! The address is:
Archive for February, 2001
Timberwolf Retracts Article From
Yesterday, Timberwolf posted an article on his web site holding a very skeptical view on the ZOC discount offer that FoundersFury is offering. It seems a couple of us sent him replies via e-mail and he has now retracted his article and posted an apology. Check for more.
Gypsy To Be Interviewed Tonight on WEJL
Big D has posted in the various TW forums that the one-and-only Gypsy will be interviewed TONIGHT on WEJL Radio. He will be representing Epic Interactive Strategy and the time will be 7:00pm Central. Check it out!
My Thanks Go Out To…
want to take a moment and thank Bad Girl, Guardian, and Space Ghost for naming ships/planets after me in both the HHT and the upcoming USO. These three are great people in real life and I look forward to hanging out with them in the future. ;)sign up for the USO ’01 if you haven’t […]
Space Ghost Interview on WEJL
I don’t know about the rest of you, but I greatly enjoyed the Space Ghost interview last night on WEJL. Tom’s a cool guy who doesn’t hold back his thoughts. 🙂 SG has mentioned doing a weekly radio show (possibly Fridays) of his own. I greatly look forward to it!
To Cheap To Dish Out $70 for ZOC?
For those of you that don’t already know, The Founder has struct a deal with Emtec to offer Trade Wars players ZOC registration for $40 instead of the normal $70! This is your chance to register ZOC (ahem legally) at a cheaper price and get rid of those damn naggy countdowns! Version 4 of ZOC […]
17th Team Registers for the USO!
The team of “Half Baked” has entered the USO! This team consists of Outkast (CEO), Xide, Madill, Turk, Cowboy, and Graz}{oppa.The game starts next one week from TODAY! Register NOW if you already haven’t!
About Us at Kitty’s Playground
I’d like to welcome you to our website, and hope you find everything you’re looking for. If not, please feel free to drop me a e-mail letting me know what you’d like to see added or changed. It’s only with the input from visitors like yourself that I can truly improve the site, and though […]
MBBS-TWGS Comparison Chart
(Last updated chart Feb 8,2001 – Latest update in green -corrections in red) (Also check out Cruncher’s Trade Wars Formulas) Situation in TW HVS MBBS TWGS Evicting players from citadels Cannot evict online players though still is able to evict offline players can evict both online and offline players Colo Regen Top of the […]
WEJL Radio: Address Change
The address to reach the WEJL radio station has changed. It can now be found by clicking here, or on the link found under the “Check It Out…” section on the right-hand side of this site.SPACE GHOST will be on TONIGHT at 8pm Central Time!
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