The Script formally known as Space Ghost didst harken a challenge to those who would accept: “I have Blocked off SD in an unbeatable Script… get to StarDock…” Guess who won? After round one, the script did proclaim: “Oh wait, did I say unbeatable? I meant it was beatable! this new script is unbeatable!” And thus begain Round two. Guess who won again? So what have we learned today kids? If computers take over the world, at least we can still beat them at TradeWars.
Helpers/Scripts's Archives
News: Past and Present
There is some news that I had saved in one of my e-mail folders that I forgot about and never posted. You may or may not already know these things…Stein and earth have developed a new data standard for Trade Wars helpers. This breakthrough will allow players that use ATTAC and SWATH to easily swap/share data between the two helpers. New versions of both of these helpers will allow players to export/import a TWX (TradeWars eXport) file. Those that are planning to write a helper in the future, contact Stein and earth so that they can explain how to make your helper compatible with the new TWX format.
(Source: tradewars_2002 eGroup)
The Wolfpack corporation web site has a new URL and new changes. It can now be found at
The Final Word
What is it that people have against helpers. Not long ago, I had a conversation with someone who thought that tradewars had become as bad as the warez scene because of helpers and scripts. Ok, if we’re as bad as the warez scene, you’d be seeing a ton of pop up porn ads when you visit this site… Oh yea, and it’s not caused by helpers or scripts.
I guess I must be part of the unenlightened but could someone please explain to me how typing in the following sequence of characters over and over again is fun?
I didn’t think you could. That’s the point, Doing repetative tasks is not fun. Every facet of tradewars that people use helpers and scripts for all contain repetative tasks. Let’s take someone who’s running a script to photon people at StarDock. Sitting around waiting for people to come so you can kill them is not fun, it’s repetative. It’d be nice to get rid of all the repetative aspects of Tradewars, but it’s simply not going to happen. I say this will full confidence because doing otherwise would require a complete reworking of how TradeWars plays. Plus, John Pritchett has already stated that he has no intention of changing the game. (Hence why the infamous Pirate Mode never made it into the game) Any changes he does do are small tweaks. The repetition will certainly have to be a big consideration for a Tradewars sequel, but that’s another topic.
Helpers and scripts also do not play the game for you. Classic Example of this is Space Ghost. The guy might as well BE a script considering how many he uses, but have you seen how many times the guy dies? Ask Cruncher about him and she’ll say that he still doesn’t have a script that she can’t get past. And that’s the point. H&S don’t play the game, they make it more fun to play because there’s less garbage you have to deal with like typing sectors over and over again. Chances are, a lot less people would be playing the game now because the fun parts of the game didn’t eclipse the not so fun parts.
The Den officially shut down today. I want to commend Timberwolf on running an enjoyable server and hopefully the Den will return in the near future.Another reminder to reserve your rooms at the Excalibur for the TW Convention from October 20-22! Rooms are going fast and air fares are going up…don’t wait too long to book your trip or you will miss out on the first annual Trade Wars 2002 Convention! All the cool people will be there!!
I should be receiving a list of nominees for the open board member position for the Trade Wars League. That information will be posted on the TW League page here at TRADEWARS.WS.
I will be working on the TW League section of the site tonight and it should be completed and active before midnight EST. Not much site news today, I’ve been real busy at work with our company’s new web site launch, so I haven’t had the chance to come up with any new clever ideas <G>. Oh I do have a volunteer for co-sysop and he will probably get the position. Darth Vader from my old corporation NAV HAZ UNLTD. on the Pisces Network is going to be setting up a Star Wars game for the server launch sometime late next week. It will replace the ‘Red Alert’ game that I was going to bang previously. Be on the lookout for that!
EleqTrizi’T has posted a review of the newest version of ATTAC which now has graphical mapping AND supports REXX scripting!! Check out Eleq’s review for more information!
Silver Wings is banging an every man for himself game called ‘Top Gun’ tonight at 8:00PM CST. They are giving away prizes to the trader who can withstand the competition.
Tags: attac, convention, hht, tw league
20 cc’s of news
Snips of news from the past few days.
New v3.0 of ATTAC has been released. It includes a new graphical map and more importantly, the ability to use ZOC scripts! This means that all you people who get around ZOC without registering it will now start looking for ways to get around ATTAC without registering it.
In other news, Hekate has started to talk like a late night infomercial. Oddly enough, the phrase, “Wow, that’s amazing!” is not seen.
The Den and Avalon are closing down. Whatever.
Linux Guy has released v2.07 of his Fusion software, used to play BBS door games through Linux
Article Taken Down
On the request of Earth, I’ve taken down “Spam ATTAC” from the Articles section. The article dealt with issues that no longer matter. Also, the person who threated to sue me two years ago (Nic) over that article hasn’t been part of the ATTAC team for about 18 months.
You mean I’m supposed to FIX this stuff?
In a nutshell, here’s what happened:
1) That project I’m working on is put in the Directory
2) While fixing the problem, the backups of this site get deleted
3) I start to recode the page, but don’t finish before I leave for vacation
4) Can’t FTP while I’m on vacation. (computer was behind a firewall?)
5) recode the main page… AGAIN. Still have to fix the colors
So what else do I have to say? Hulk SMASH! Then Hulk Sleep. Hulk tired from projects for Evil Lady. Hulk thank Linux Guy for help!
SWATH Unix clarified
Recieved this from Macahan:
“[R00t] made a map displayer that works under Windows. It’s his code we are actually implementing (well stein since he is the windows developer). Currently the Unix version is a text based only version but I can still utilize the algorithm to make a map display.
Well, there you have it. Hopefully all you Linux freaks will stop mailbombing me for being pro-windows.
Mission Accomplished
It seems that barefoot, not content to sit on his laurels after being banned from the EIS forums, has now started Giving his infinite wisdom on the SWATH forums. Thanks to Mac The Knife, who should consider either releasing the Unix version of swath in the next ten years or give me a free copy of the win95 version, for the news.
SWATH to use DirectX
r00t made an announcement that SWATH will be using DirectX for it’s graphical map. After This, every fanboy over at slashdot came over and said, “Linux rox, dood!” (If your not up to speed on your programming lingo, DirectX can only be run on Windows while OpenGL can be run on Linux and Windows. They both do practically the same thing.)
If you’ve been to the SWATH page, you probably noticed that both a Linux/Unix and Windows version are available in development. Then you’ll probably coyly walk up me while dressed in your catholic school girl outfit and ask, “Well Mr. Knight, will you take me to the prom?” After answering yes, you would then start giggling and ask, “Then Why not use OpenGL if SWATH is being made for both Linux and Windows Mr. Knight?”
Well, if you had bothered to actually read the actual page, “SWATH for Unix is purely text based.” Call me crazy, but I don’t think it will have a graphical map. Besides, programing OpenGL when you don’t know what your doing is not easy. In fact, not easy is an understatement. It’s a lot like watching Battlefield Earth 3 times in a row and then having a scientologist explain to you the cultural impact the movie will make. Besides, it’s not like you need the Quake 3 engine for a graphical map.
Return of the BOTE
The Battle of the Elite’s website can now be found at Two traders you may be familiar with will be the gameops, Hosem and Monday.
One of the prizes already announced is a free copy of SWATH for the winners. But ATTAC and EIS are also supporting, which could mean even more free l00t. All software authors are asked to help contribute, which includes myself. Look for my prize to be announced soon!
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