Greetings and Salutations Sysops,Traders,and Evil do’ers Everywhere.
I am Happy to Announce The First Ever EIS Invitational Server Tournament.
This is an Invitational Tournament for the Servers Who Advertise thier Rebangs at EIS Classic TW Forums. The Game is meant to Reflect an Effort to balance Edits and poke holes into certain strategies and aspects of the game.
While the General Edits were BigD’s there have been modifications that he cant be held responsible for. The Complete edit will be available for Download with this post.
The Game Host will be a Commercial Server and will be announced soon.
ElderProphet will be setting up the Game with a Random seed and will have all the passwords to the server.
The Game Moderator will be *** EleqTriziT *** Meaning what he says goes.
This means ALL Decisions on ANY complaints or Suspicions will be His and he is Finale.
This will be a Points based game Keeping the points Very easy to tally at game end……At the end of the game ElderProphet will Export the game and make the file available to download from this forum. ElderProhet will tally the points and anyone can doublecheck his findings..
The Game will start on 5/29/09 and will end on 7/06/09 at 9pm eastern
1 no Duping . No playing more then 1 account . No accessing your teammates account or your enemies account,No Subs if one player activates an account that is it.If he quits for any reason including tragedy in personal life..You are down a corpy with no replacement available.(Random dupe checks conducted by ElderProphet)
2. Bug Use is forbiden..This means GAME bug use…Spoofing a script is NOT against the rules.If you find a Bug you must report it to EleqTriziT via a PM at this website.
3.No Mega corping. Definition No Hard Sharing of Assetts ie figs/credits/ships/planets/real estate/ between 2 different server teams.No Cross podding for points..
4. No ship or planet buyouts allowed.
5. The Moderator is God and can make any controversial decisions
Points system to be kept simple.
50 points for a level 4 planet that your team created and still own.
150 points for a level 5 planet that your team created and still own.
250 points for a level 6 planet that your team created and still own.
100 points for a level 4 that your team did not Create but own.
200 points for a level 5 that your team did not Create but own.
300 points for a level 6 that your team did not Create but own.
Lastly we will award Kill points. 15 points for each podding 35 points for each Ship Destroyed….****When you pod or ship destroy someone please announce to log to help score keeper.****
**You get no points for Causing someones death ie (figs mines zdy kill a port etc) and you get no points for blowing up your own teammate.**
Also No Death limit and it may look like a Blue Game but I promise you,you will Need REDS…
There will be Time limit of 6 hours with a 15min relog penalty.There will be NO turn Bank use your turns or lose your turns.
All Controversies to be decided upon by EleqTriziT.
Score will be done by ElderProphet but can be checked by all after the game ends.
Game Start will be 5/29/29 at 9pm eastern
Game Practice will be 5/22/ at 9pm eastern
Teams can Enter the Tournament by having the Sysop of the Server Post thier team in this thread.
The Following Active Servers are invited.
CoffeeMate TWGS Sysop Anubis
ICE9 Twgs Sysop V’Ger
Silverwings Twgs Sysop DrWakko
UTW Twgs Sysop Sage
Twisted Twgs Tradewars sysop Helix
Toyland Twgs sysop T0yman
Y City Connection sysop Y City connection
TWGSGOLD.servergame sysop Rival
Runaway Proton’s TWGS sysop Runaway Proton
The Rev’s TWGS sysop The Rev
Vid’s World TWGS Sysop Rival
Singularitys TWGS sysop Singularity
CSC NET TWGS sysop tbarlo
twgsdodgerbbs sysop Yop Solo sysop ph3W7 sysop ahab
The Crusty Chicken sysop The Crusty Chicken
Vulcans forge sysop Vulcan
Distinct Tradewars sysop Frugal sysop Boone
On The Haeter TWGS sysop Wifi Xeihof
Trahern’s Tavern sysop Aileron
Irish Rebel Twgs sysop Irish Rebel
IDSO twgs sysop Hooker
RiverCity Twgs sysop Promethius port 2002 sysop symbian 23 sysop EthanMay
RogueGalaxy sysop rgorion port 2002 sysop JFK
MTW sysop Commander Data port 2002 sysop susscan
BlueLobster Twgs sysop Tark
The Swamp BBS sysop Stoneslinger
Hard Galaxy Sysop Slagathor
TW3003 sysop lightfoot
Incase i forgot any **ANY SERVER Who Posted a Game Rebang within the Last 12 months in Tw Classic is invited**Sign Up Here!